Gear Up

Ural Airlines A320 Makes Forced Landing in a Field

September 12th, 2023

Photo: Siberian Transport Prosecutor's Office

On September 12th, 2023, a Ural Airlines A320 was forced to land in an open field after a hydraulics failure. The aircraft (RA-73805) was operating flight RU-1383 from Sochi (AER) to Omsk (OMS), Russia. It departed Sochi at 00:55 UTC and was scheduled to arrive at Omsk at 07:50. On final approach, the crew initiated a go-around after a hydraulics failure was reported. The aircraft then climbed back up to 18,000 ft before diverting to Novosibirsk.

According to the governor of Omsk, the crew worried that the OMS runway was not long enough for a safe emergency landing. The airport’s runway is 8,200 ft (2.5 km) long. The hydraulics failure affected flap and spoiler operations, meaning that the aircraft needed a long runway to land safely. Because of this, the pilots decided to divert to Novosibirsk which has a longer runway, measuring 11,800 ft (3.6 km).

However, the crew feared that the aircraft would run out of fuel 180 km short of Novosibirsk. This prompted them to land in an open field near the village of Kamenka. Passengers deplaned via emergency escape slides.

Fortunately, there were no casualties or serious injuries among the 165 people on board.